School Malaysia
June 8, 2016Study Malaysia
June 8, 2016
Training Malaysia Online sited at, is an online portal focuses on training and human resource development, in which it features the different training providers and skill training courses in Malaysia. It serves as a valuable point of reference for employers seeking specific training skills for their employees as well as workers who wish to upgrade their existing knowledge and skills. disseminates information on the various training providers and programmes that they offer. In addition, it also consists of a training and education forum with the latest news and updates for the HRD and training community., established since 2000,is the one-stop online reference guide on HRD for training providers, human resource department heads, training managers, HRD Fund contributors, students, working adults and any other people with training needs. This website helps to promote the expertise of our training institutions in the domestic and global market environment.
Logo Sponsors
- Upper Static Logo appears on the Main Page and at Upper Side of every page of the website
- Logo is featured consecutively for 12 months
- Logo is linked to training provider’s website
Training OnFocus
- A training provider or an event is featured on the Front Page of the website for a month
- Training OnFocus is linked to an article on the current training provider or event
Event Of The Month
- An event/seminar is featured on the Front Page, below the Training OnFocus column for a month
- Event of the month is linked to an article on the event, which provides contacts details & link to event manager’s website
Side Banner
- An animated flash banner is displayed on right portion of every page
- Training provider may include events, happenings or promote their organization with this flash animation
- Banner size: 150×75
Enhanced-Profile Online
- Training provider is provided with the features to promote their institution with the Online Profile, Course Listing, Facilities and Contact Details section
- Training provider website’s link is displayed
- Training provider will be provided with an institution account to update the institution information
- Training provider will be able to receive email enquiries
Additional Exposure
- Free submission of training news / events for the news & calendar section
- Free submission of training related articles